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Top 5 Non-Alcoholic Drinks

Master Debonair

Dry January 2022 – MD's Top 5 Non-Alcoholic Drinks

2022 has arrived and many of us will have spent the last few weeks of 2021 consuming copious amounts of delicious food and drinks, and many will also be feeling like you’ve had more than a skinful and are ready to test the tee-total waters that the coveted New Year's Resolution of attempting Dry January brings.

If you are unaware of what Dry January is all about, we’ll give you a brief overview. In its basic form, Dry January is the abstinence from alcohol for the entirety of January but there are a number of different reasons why people take part, from their supporting their own health to raising money for charity, and there are millions each year who take part – and a good few who never return to drinking at all.

Some of you may already know this, but Simon, the CEO of Master Debonair, has been completely tee-total since 2019 and has shared his story for you all to read on our social media.

And since then, Simon has got to know how poor the options for non-alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks can be. So, with all those who are partaking in Dry January or who simply want to take a step away from consuming alcohol in mind, Simon has put together a definitive list of his top 5 non-alcoholic drinks, take it away Simon!

1. Guinness 0.0

I did love Guinness when I drank alcohol so when it was announced in 2020 that they were launching Guiness 0.0 I couldn’t wait. I literally drove to 8 supermarkets and couldn’t find any only for it to be recalled and production stopped. When it was relaunched in 2021, off I went and bought 80 cans of the stuff as I’d heard it was very good. I wasn’t disappointed. What a great drink this is if you like a stout or a dark ale. It’s not a kick in the backside from the alcoholic version.

2. CleanCo Clean Cuba Libre Non Alcoholic Spiced Spirit with Cola

So, after I’d watched the away matches in the pub before I quit alcohol, once the full-time whistle went, I’d have 2 or 3 Kraken rums with a tiny bit of coke in. A double of course. When I first tried this, I couldn’t believe how close it tasted to my good old double Kraken and coke. Highly recommended the CleanCo if you want a non-alcoholic spiced rum alternative.

3. Lucky Saint

I first drank this in a restaurant, which is no longer open, in Spitalfields market when we had our London shop open. Also had a pint on draught near Camden Market. Absolutely beautiful beer. Very smooth lager so if you are a lager drinker, I’d definitely recommend you giving Lucky Saint a try.

4. Hoegaarden 0.0

Another beer I loved. A wheat beer. I would always drink wheat beer when I was a bit full up from the other drinks I’d had earlier in the night. It’s quite a sweet orangey taste this one but not sickly sweet. It’s such a fleshing drink this one.

5. Brooklyn Special Effect

Now this is a beauty as I did like Craft Beers and Real Ales. This is definitely more of a Craft beer taste which I love this. Such a distinct taste. Very hoppy and amber. I did, again, love the alcoholic version from Brooklyn Brewery so this is a cracker.

Whether you are thinking of quitting like me, doing dry January or want to substitute a few alcoholic drinks with non-alcoholic drinks there is a tonne of great alcohol-free drinks out there. It’s not like the old days when there was only Barbican alcohol-free beer which wasn’t pleasant, to say the least. There are so many readily available in pubs these days too. I’ve struggled to find a great red or white wine but the sparkling wines are really good. I didn’t drink sweet wines and all the alcohol-free ones I have tired taste very sweet but definitely try the fizzy alcohol-free wines, and if you find any that you think I might like throw your suggestions this way.

Hope this helps! Simon MD.